I'm Getting Razor Bumps On My Body When Shaving. What Am I Doing Wrong?

I'm Getting Razor Bumps On My Body When Shaving. What Am I Doing Wrong?

Shaving isn't just for your face. For many people, shaving includes everything from legs and arms to chests and nether regions. Wherever you use your razor, there's nothing like the silky smooth feeling of clean skin. At least until razor bumps start popping up like the plague.

Razor bumps around the neck can drag down your confidence, but razor bumps around your bikini line may become itchy, and you probably don't want to be scratching at your bikini zone during that big office presentation. So what's causing your razor bumps and what should you do about it? Here are some helpful tips and tricks you need to take advantage of. 

Is it a Bump or a Rash?

Before we start with our seven tips, look closely at your razor bumps. Do you actually have a smattering of raised pimple-like bumps (ingrown hairs), or is it more in line with a rash? Shaving can cause each both the reasons behind razor bumps and a rash are different. 

If you have a rash instead of a bump, it could be that you're allergic to inferior metals, or an ingredient in your shaving cream. Nickel is a metal many people are allergic to. Using a safety razor that's chromed or plated will eliminate any risk of your skin reacting to a certain type of metal.

But for the majority of people, the real problem is the tugging, pulling and awkward angle at which the blade shaves your hair, causing redness and irritation.

A single blade razor has been shown to significantly reduce razor bumps and ingrown hairs.

Multiple Blades

Believe it or not, using a razor with multiple blades is the primary cause of razor bumps. Razors with multiple blades tug and pull on hair, cutting them below skin level and ultimately resulting in bumps and ingrown hairs. The solution? Switch to a single blade safety razor that gives a cleaner cut at the surface of your skin. This will drastically reduce any razor bumps you get from shaving.

The Rockwell 6C is the perfect safety razor for any beginner, for two reasons;

1. The adjustable shave settings make it impossible for a beginner to cut themselves.

2. By letting you personalize the shave to your unique skin and hair type, the Rockwell 6C ensures you end up with a much more comfortable shaving experience.

A Rockwell Razor allows anyone to get the advantages of a safety razor, without the learning curve that come along with one.

You're Forcing the Shave

Razor bumps occur when skin cells and hair push up under the skin, causing an irritation. This leads to the development of the pimple-like bump. If you're forcing the shave, you're more likely to develop into razor bumps. Instead, you need to let the razor do the work. It's always best to let gravity take hold of the razor (so shave standing up in the shower instead of laying down in the bathtub).

A safety razor is perfect for this as the weight in the razor held helps harness the power of gravity, improves the cut and reduces unnecessary irritants. Unlike a typical cartridge razor, a safety razor doesn't require any pressure to shave, and actually cuts above the surface of your skin - a huge benefit for those that suffer from shaving issues.

Are You Exfoliating First?

Before you shave anywhere you need to exfoliate. Take out the luffa and your body wash and really get in there. You need to remove dead skin cells. If you jump right into the shave you'll have dead skin cells and other flakes lingering, which increases the chance of developing razor bumps. The act of exfoliating also massages the skin and softens up the hair of a close shave, killing two birds with one stone.

Investing in a shaving brush, is also a good call. Besides the massaging effect it has for prepping the skin and hair for a close shave, a shave brush will exfoliate away any dead skin cells.

How New is the Blade?

This goes right along with letting gravity take over your shave. If you have a dull blade the blade won't cut your hair easily. Instead, the hair will cling to the blade, causing it to pull at the root. With a typical multi-blade razor, the first blade is often the most dull from all the work - this is the primary cause of the tugging and pulling that you feel. Once the first blade pulls the hair up, the remaining blades cut your follicle below the surface of your skin, leading to various skin complications.

If there's any resistance at all, it's probably time to change to a new blade. Hair should not put up any resistance when running a sharp blade across it. By inserting a new blade you'll ensure a quality shave and avoid the development of razor bumps. 

Shaving Cream and Gel

Using a quality shave cream or shave soap (not something that comes out of an aerosol can) is known by shaving aficionados to make a world of difference when it comes to smoothness and glide while shaving.

Most importantly, you should assess the ingredients to ensure there are no abrasive chemicals or irritants. Even things like natural essential oils can oftentimes cause a breakout for some individuals. 

How Often Are You Shaving?

This is a bigger issue with men than it is with women. The hair on a woman's legs or arms is thinner and finer than that on a man's chest, or face. Due to this, a man will need to shave more frequently. Longer, thicker hair is difficult to cut (whereas the thinner hair of a woman's legs will cut easier).

There's nothing more frustrating than thinking you got in a great shave, only to check back a few minutes later and see red bumps developing. While some are more prone to razor bumps than others there are ways to avoid this problem altogether. By taking advantage of these tips and investing in a real razor (not your average multi-blade cartridge razor), you'll eliminate razor bumps altogether.  

Ready to rid yourself of razor bumps for good? Switch to our patented, skin-friendly razor.

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