KS Update #6 - Big News: Started Manufacturing the Rockwell 6S Razor

We’ve now passed $50,000 - over four times our original funding goal - and that’s all thanks to you, our incredible backers. And here’s the really exciting part: on Friday we called our factory and they’ve started the first phase of mass production for the Rockwell 6S Razor! Our campaign has exploded in popularity and in response to your overwhelming support we wanted to get a jump on production. There will be pictures and updates to follow, but right now know that production is on track for our December release. Thank you all, we couldn’t have done it without you.  

We've been thinking a lot about stretch goals and add-ons. With over 20 days left in the campaign we have a chance to do something really substantial. However, we feel that before we make any decisions we need to know our backers better. So we've come up with a Super Simple Survey - 5 easy questions that will take just 1 minute to fill in. With this survey we can get to know you, our backers, just a bit better and develop the best stretch goals and add ons. So please, please, please take a moment to fill in the survey. You must be logged in as a backer to see the link, so log in or back the campaign to vote.  

We also want to make it clear that although we are evaluating stretch goals and add-ons our priority is delivering the Rockwell 6S. Any new features will not compromise on our promise to quickly deliver a well made stainless steel razor with free international shipping. That’s our promise to you. 

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